I have changed the virtual memory of my computer to 4096MB from its standard 1524mb initial and max 3048mb because I wanted to run a program that would otherwise not work.
Am I safe to do this? Will my computer stop workingWill changing the virtual memory harm my computer?Yes it is safe to do this. Your computer will be fine.
Virtual memory is used by your Operating system as %26quot;pretend RAM%26quot; - it is hard drive space that is reserved for this purpose. When you are using applications on your computer, and all your RAM (physical memory) is being used to run these applications, your computer may need more physical memory than you actually have.
This is where Virtual Memory comes in. Your computer can (and does) utilize this reserved hard drive space as %26quot;pretend RAM%26quot; - the only difference in performance that you will notice is that Virtual Memory is a bit slower.
Sorry for the long explanation, but in essence all you've done is said %26quot;right computer - you can have %26lt;this much more%26gt; hard drive space to use for Virtual Memory.%26quot;
It will have no negative effect on your computer at all.Will changing the virtual memory harm my computer?Changing the virtual memory will not harm the computer.
Special Note: You should choose the same amount for the initial size and maximum size. This will Stop your CPU from constantly changing the paging file.Will changing the virtual memory harm my computer?noWill changing the virtual memory harm my computer?Its safe. If you will look closely there is a percentage of your hard drive space it says to use. I think its like 15% or something.