I am currently with Orange and am changing to a new broadband provider today. I know that each computer has its own IP address, it that determined by the broadband provider or does it stay the same even if you move?Changing ISP will my IP address change too?Yes, your IP address will be changed if you change ISP.
You can easily track what is your IP address now and what will be when you change your ISP with IP trackers:
http://www.find-ip-address.orgChanging ISP will my IP address change too?Normally it won't change ur system IP but ISP (internet service provider) hv plan like dynamic IP/static IPChanging ISP will my IP address change too?Yup. In fact, unless you have a business account, your IP changes just about every time your modem reconnects (whether dial-up, DSL, or cable).Changing ISP will my IP address change too?Your IP Address will change when you change ISP, yes, but unless you are running some sort of server out of your home, this shouldn't effect you.Changing ISP will my IP address change too?It will change. Each ISP is registered a block of IPs.Changing ISP will my IP address change too?You're actually asking two different questions here.
The I.P. Addresses that each of your computers have, are what's known as a Private I.P. Address, my guess is a Class C Private IP Address (192.168.x.y)
This is not based on your ISP but is rather provided to the computers by the router, unless you set it up each computer's IP manually. If you're asking this question, my guess is you have not.
Your IP Address as it is provided by the ISP is going to be one of any number of IPs owned within their IP Block.
(Note: Could be anything other than 10.x.y.z, 127.x.y.z, 172.16.x.y - 172.32.x.y, 169.254.x.y OR 192.168.x.y)
Easiest way to see what it is at any given time is to visit a website which tells you your IP, such as www.whatismyip.com
This is what's known as your Public IP, and unless you pay to lease a %26quot;Static IP%26quot; this will change every time you log off of the internet (With Cable/DSL this usually means turning off your modem, though some ISPs do force a rotation/maximum connection time.)
Even if you did pay to lease a static IP, the IP is leased from inside the ISPs network block, and as such you would be facing a change of IP, there are no laws around IP portability the way there are around Phone# Portability.