1. no more HC reform
2. No more cap and trade
3. no more card check
4. tax holidays for 1 year
5. no new regulations
These give certainty to business owners and create a business friendly environment. They will then start to risk their money and start hiring, knowing their competitors will be doing the same thing. It won't happen though under the liberal regime. They are only interested in power grab, your job loss is just an inconvenience to them. Where am I wrong?What policy changes will create the most number of jobs?Ending the corporate income tax.What policy changes will create the most number of jobs?That would require getting rid of the current administration and their progressive agenda. They have no intention of giving up on running this country into the ground.What policy changes will create the most number of jobs?I think they need to back off on taxing business. I was shocked to hear that they want to blame business for people who don't have health insurance and then tax them for it. I will be so glad when this President leaves office.What policy changes will create the most number of jobs?cutting ALL taxes on businesses would cause a growth in ALL JOB MARKETS...its been proven time and time again that tax cuts grow the economy,as well as revenue to the govt...it works every time its tried..What policy changes will create the most number of jobs?use the democratic bribe money and open up a plant manufacturing hope and change buttons and sell them to liberals.....What policy changes will create the most number of jobs?i try to write the answers your problem in my blog http://www.mystructuredsettlement.co.cc you can see any problem in my blog.