Thursday, November 25, 2010

Will changing my filter only a week and a half after set up affect my aquariums health?

I have a ten gallon tank that i set up a week and a half ago. I let it run for three days, tested water, and added fish(2 platies, 2 bloodfin tetras, chinese algae eater, bamboo shrimp, and a neon blue dwarf gourami). I will be switching from a tetra whisper filter to an aquaclear.Will changing my filter only a week and a half after set up affect my aquariums health?use some of the older filter medium to seed your new filter and you will be fineWill changing my filter only a week and a half after set up affect my aquariums health?put the filter from the old one into the new filter your buying so you can transfer some of the cycle (good bacteria) thats been built up in it. Even if you have to cut it down etc.

Your tank still sounds like its cycling anyway you should of really let it cycle and added fish about a month later, but you cant do anything now cus you have the fish have a look for a product called %26quot;tetra fresh start%26quot; and add this to your tank it contains bacteria that will help your aquarium cycle instantly.Will changing my filter only a week and a half after set up affect my aquariums health?The way to do it is to run both filters for at least a week, in the same tank and then remove the whisper.

I take it you know how big Chinese Algae Eaters grow and they become more carnivore as they get older. The shrimp will be on the menu at some point and then the other occupants are at real risk.
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