Thursday, November 25, 2010

Will changing the blower speed on my a/c unit up my electric bill?

I WAS WONDERING IF I CHANGE THE BLOWER SPEED ON MY A/C UNIT WILL IT UP MY ELECTRIC BILL? RIGHT NOW IT IS FACTORY PRESET TO HIGH. ALSO I F I DO CHANGE IT TO MEDIUM OR LOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO DAMAGE MY UNIT? I HAVE AN UPFLOW CONFIGURATION.Will changing the blower speed on my a/c unit up my electric bill?Wait a minute...I can't believe some of these answers, First of all you should not reduce the speed of the blower, In A/C mode you want to move as much air as possible over the coil to absorb as much heat as you can, reducing the speed too much may cause the coil to freeze. And lets say reducing the speed from 1150rpm to 950rpm is not going to reduce your electricity to a point you will notice a savings, plus at that point the A/c will have to run a longer cycle to cool to the same point and you will be spending more electricity running the compressor longer.Will changing the blower speed on my a/c unit up my electric bill?I don't believe you will see any affect on your bill - it's the compressor that causes the most electricity to be used - I have used the low setting on my A/C and it actually blew a fuse.Will changing the blower speed on my a/c unit up my electric bill?If it's possible to adjust it to a lower setting, you should be able to lower your bill. If you reduce the amount of power the motor is drawing it will help cut back the usage. It might not be too substantial because the compressor motor would still need to run at the same speed, and that draws a lot of power too.Will changing the blower speed on my a/c unit up my electric bill?speed change wont affect it a great deal most likly not at all.Will changing the blower speed on my a/c unit up my electric bill?Reducing the speed of the blower motor is no guarantee to lowering your monthly bill. How old is the thermostat? The thermostats that have 4 or more settings on it are great. It will allow you to adjust the temperature of the home for times that you are away. (when there is no one at home the temp doesn't need to be below 82 then it automaticly bring temp back up for time you set to be home) You should also have ceiling fans in each room. Ceiling fans are a great way to lower the A/C bill. I finally put a ceiling fan in every room in the house and saved $40 to $60 a month.

Good LuckWill changing the blower speed on my a/c unit up my electric bill?in fact higher the blower speed lesser the eletric bil.Will changing the blower speed on my a/c unit up my electric bill?Resetting the blower speed will reduce the rate of cold air coming through your vents into your home. Leave it at factory setting. You will consume more electric(longer compressor run time) trying to satisfy the thermostat setting. There are other considerations also--but with-out long details --just keep it at factory settings. Weather-strip your home to save on electric bills==install a ceiling fan or two, or just use a box fan to move the air around. Use different lighting(flor.) to save. Many more ways=== Have a nice day.Will changing the blower speed on my a/c unit up my electric bill?it will cost more if you reduce the speed because there is more resistance electrically .also cold air is heaver which means the blower has to turn faster .so you would be paying more and getting less comfort .for your energy dollar