Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?

I heard that he will only bring higher taxes. If that is change then who wants change anyway. Would you like to have MORE of your money taken by the government?

Hmm...maybe change isn't as great as the young people are claiming.

At least Senator McCain is for LOWER taxes and he is even pro-life. What is more important than life...death, change, and higher taxes? No, thanks Mr. Obama, WE don't want change WE as Americans want a better life for our children. What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?McCain is pro-life? Really?

Then why does he support an endless and pointless war that's only resulting in the senseless murder of thousands of people... many of them innocent civilians?

I love how conservatives cry over aborted babies but shed not one tear for the people who are killed by %26quot;friendly fire%26quot; in this bullshit war on terror!

What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?Not true.

Obama will *cut* taxes for 95% of Americans, and he will cut them more than McCain.

For the first time in US history, McCain will *tax* healthcare benefits, so that he can pay for more tax cuts for the rich.

From Business Week:

“That breakdown of the two tax plans comes from the Tax Policy Center, a joint venture between the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution. Its recent analysis captures the essential difference between the two tax approaches:

? Senator McCain's tax cuts would primarily benefit those with very high incomes, almost all of whom would receive large tax cuts that would, on average, raise their aftertax incomes by more than twice the average for all households. Many fewer households at the bottom of the income distribution would get tax cuts, and those whose taxes fall would, on average, see their aftertax income rise much less.

? In marked contrast, Senator Obama offers much larger tax breaks to low- and middle-income taxpayers and would increase taxes on high-income taxpayers. The largest tax cuts, as a share of income, would go to those at the bottom of the distribution, while taxpayers with the highest income would see their taxes rise.”What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?The kind that makes you utter %26quot; the problem with DC is washington insiders%26quot; then go and pick Joe Biden as your running mate

The audacity of hypocrisyWhat kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?Animal print carpetWhat kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?Jobs for Ohio and other Great Lakes states that Bush shat upon.What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?And we (52 percent of registered voters plus six millions Hilary-turned-McCain supporters) agree with you =]


To the other poster-

No, Obama will cut INCOME taxes for 90 percent of the population, but will raise others (e.g. Social Security) enough so that they are, in effect, RAISED for 97 percent of Americans (anyone making over 42,000 dollars a year).What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?Change is a word. An easy word to say. Change is a difficult thing to do. Especially difficult when you have no plan to make it happen.What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?If you want a better life for your children you will elect people who will pay down the naional debt. Just the INTEREST on that debt - which Bush more than doubled in 8 years - is billions of dollars a year. That means each of us will pay thousands of dollars a year in taxes just to pay the INTEREST on the debt. What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?Well said.

Obama will also bring a redistribution of wealth to the masses and cause wealthy people to say screw this country we cant make anymore money here. What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House? Well the Democrats never offer any real change they just offer more of the same in tired worn out socialistic pseudo communistic policies that have been proven to be failures over and over again. They have nothing new to offer but tired old worn out rhetoric re-packaged as something good for you!What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?none. they will be a disgrace for the whitehouse. Michelle will have the house fitted with speakers and plasma tvs.....with direct TV.What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?he will raise taxes he will help inner city blacks and raise their welfare check insure them with health insurance and send tons of money to africaWhat kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?A responsible president. No more pointless war. Economy will recover. Taxes will go DOWN for the common people but will go UP on the big oil companies. (NO MORE TAX BREAKS FOR EXXON!!!!!!)What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?Not good change:

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama is accepting the Democratic nomination Thursday night with a lofty vision for the nation's future that is far easier to articulate than to accomplish.


The next occupant of the White House will inherit a half-trillion-dollar budget deficit that will severely crimp any plans for spending on new programs, as well as the messy endgame of the war in Iraq and growing energy and health-care challenges. A look at Obama's promises and the realities he would confront:


The promise: Obama has pledged to attack the weak economy with another stimulus plan to follow the $168 billion package of tax rebates for individuals and tax breaks for businesses that Congress passed last February. Obama's stimulus would include tax rebates, aid to state and local governments and increased spending for infrastructure projects. He would also increase spending in other areas such as alternative energy programs.

The problem: Obama's spending plans and middle-class tax relief will collide with the hard reality of exploding budget deficits.

What kind of change will Obama bring us if he wins the White House?its hard for any one to make a change because its not just the president that has the say so. the congress and Senate have to approve everything so be fair people , you cant blame it all on the president.but if you get a majority in those areas and a president in the same party then you will see a lot of changes.