Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?

Recently, John McCain has changed his message to to more reflect a call for change. My question is: how will John McCain differ from President George W. Bush? Issues? Beliefs? All-around governing style? How exactly will he distinguish himself from the Bush presidency?

Slogans, like Jedi mind tricks, won't work here. Specifics would be great.What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?Reinstating the draft. If he attacks Iran and other countries, that will just be an extention of Bush policies, which were originally his, not change. His VP prays for oil pipelines, doesn't seem to me to be a real change. McCain seems to have a worse temper than Bush, some change.

When Obama talked about change, McCain laughed about the very idea that anything could change. He thought it was all just an unrealistic dream. McCain doesn't actually seem to think anything should change, anyway, even if it could. Now he has evidently decided that it is the word that Obama is using, that is making him popular, and that if he says the same magic word, he will be as popular as Obama, as if Obama were saying abracadabra and making everyone love him. McCain has now said the word, change, a number of times, and nothing magical has happened. He hasn't become popular, still doesn't draw large crowds, and certainly hasn't turned into a prince. Even though he flip flops on issues, trying to find a magic word that works, maybe reform, mostly he just attacks Obama and tries to make him less popular, so the difference between them won't be so obvious. He even says that this election is about personalities, not issues. What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?I asked this question yesterday... and got cussed out.

I was called an Obamabot and told to stop drinking the Kool-aid.

All those haters said was %26quot;What about Obama's change?%26quot;

What about it? Well, I wasn't asking about Obama... was I?

(Moving on... just don't expect a straight answer from the Haterade drinkers.)What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?We will %26quot;change%26quot; into a 3rd world country.What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?If you would have asked me this question 8 years ago, I could have given you a list a mile long.

Now, I got nothing. What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?I think the Jedi mind tricks of Obama have worked so far. All he has said his whole campaign is %26quot;hope%26quot; and %26quot;change%26quot;. I think Obama ment to say he %26quot;hopes to change.%26quot;What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?new wallpapers and maybe new windowsWhat Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?McCain changes his slogans but not his positions, he has from the begining been saying he is going to cut spending, and when people try to pass bills with pork barrel he would make them famous.

Now he is just saying, I am the one actually offering Change.

Obama has never defined his change, he just keeps saying McCain is not offering Change.

I think he did a good job of distinguishing himself from Bush, and that is why Obama dropped that message.What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?McCain will replace Bush and Palin will replace Cheney. The entire rest of the government will stay the same. Same policies same high gas prices since we'll have the same oil companies running our government.What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?Name on the Office door


Change to all the information advisers on the walls as to where every body is located


Change to the parking spot is by Job title so nothing there


And the news people will have to get use to using a new name when referring to the president


As far as how things are run it will be perty much the same a mess of who is to do what and when


And finding new people to do those jobs for the next 4 years that will take the job offered


As far as laws it is still in the two Houses hands to vote on


What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?He will work with both parties, he said he would appoint dems to his cabinet. He will fight corruption, and ear marking, he is not afraid to use his veto power, he will drill, invest in nuclear, wind, gas, and solar. He will help to keep American jobs in America, he will give us tax breaks so we can buy our own health insurance, he will give bigger child deductions, I most of all like the fact that we will stop sending 700 billion a year to our enemies, and wont have to fight wars for oil. He can keep us safe from terrorist attacks, Obama has proven time and again that he can not!!!Two Mavericks in the White House WOW, that would be great!!!!!What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?Being that he is once again running the campaign he ran in 2000, but lost :(. He hold Congress's feet to the fire on spending. You know he opposed Bush Tax Cuts from the beginning since they were note coupled with spending cuts as well. The Tax Cut created 20% higher revenue when compared to the previous tax plan. Since they were approved in Congress, as he could not stop them. He would keep them now. He would reduce the corporate tax rate from 35%(2nd highest worldwide) to make us more competitive. He would would grant a 5,000 tax break for No Emission's Cars. He wants to build 45 Nuclear Power Plant, He'll invest in Solar and Wind power....(Where the Natural Gas...he is missing that) Clean Coal. There is allot he will try to do with help from BOTH sides. He has proven many many times that he can work with Democrats...has Obama even tried to work with Republicans. He kicked the Republican's square in the mouth at the convention, that shocked the delegates. What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?The only change I would predict is that he will do exactly as HE pleases, instead of the wishes and demands of his vice-president. Never mind what is good for the country or what the population supports, he will do exactly as he wants. The policies will be the same as W, only the face will change.What Change will John McCain Bring to the White House ?he will put the first female there.