Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Carter and Obama, both campaign on a platform of change, will Obama be as bad as Carter if elected?

Carter, a very smart man who was completly wrong for the presidency, the country suffered because of his change. He caused the fall of a friendly government in Iran and that is causing us trouble to this day.

Obama wants to bring us change, if elected, will it be as big a disaster?Carter and Obama, both campaign on a platform of change, will Obama be as bad as Carter if elected?I agree with you about that! Just Imagine what had happened to Clinton's tenure ( a Democrat) . Bombing of U.S. embassy, Bombing of SS Cole, first bombing of Twin Tower, Rwanda , Mogadishu (not sure if it's under him) not to mention the rest of the disasters! He didn't go after the terrorists who bombed Twin Tower while that Pakistani guy went to the Philippines and bomb an airplane again! There are too many to point out that the Democrats are very indecisive presidents! Are you Americans still voting for the Democrats after all their long list of negligence? Common people, those evil doers are after you! Of course you don't want another 9/11, do you? Do you think these terrorists have a heart to pity any innocent people like you and me? They are liars and manipulative people! Their plan is to destroy America, western world as well as people who disagree with their Islamic fundamental belief!Carter and Obama, both campaign on a platform of change, will Obama be as bad as Carter if elected?Obama will make Jimmy Carter an honorary saintCarter and Obama, both campaign on a platform of change, will Obama be as bad as Carter if elected?You know nothing of US history....guess how many presidential candidates--republican and democrat, as well as others--have campaigned on change.

President George Bush, Sr.....campaigning on change: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.htCarter and Obama, both campaign on a platform of change, will Obama be as bad as Carter if elected?The fall of a friendly government? The shah was a dictator at that point - he controlled the one newspaper, the one TV station, and if you weren't in his poilitical party you basically had to leave. You realize Ike allowed the CIA to help england overthrow a democratically elected leader and put the shah in power?

Besides, as bad as Carter was, it wasn't difficult to fix the mess. Could be a very different story with W. Carter and Obama, both campaign on a platform of change, will Obama be as bad as Carter if elected?All of these politicians promise change and to cut taxes. It never happens and it isn't mentioned again until the next election. Carter and Obama, both campaign on a platform of change, will Obama be as bad as Carter if elected?

yes and no

Obama is bad

but McCain is worse
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