One of the cool things about electing a new president is that we get to see how the new first lady redecorates the White House to her and her family's tastes. Some notables in the past were Lady Bird Johnson and of course the impeccable Jackie Kennedy. What changes to decor, furnishings, etc do you think the new first lady will make. Please this is serious, no racism or sarcasm!!!!!What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?She'll make it into a home she can finally be %26quot;proud%26quot; of.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?She'll decorate with a little more funk I'm sure. What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?She'll remove all the portraits of old presidents and display only black art. What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?lol
first off who cares what changes
you tell me ?
what needs to be changed
instead of working on the house
maybe she could have some work done on her face What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?The closest 'Chelle is gonna get to the White House is standing on PA Ave outside the fence.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?Unless she's going to get a job as decorator for Cindy McCain, she probably won't be changing anything.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?Hopefully she will bring a cake to the new president. No one like's a sore looser.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?It will be more kid friendly. I don't think a lot of changes but will seem more like the average person's home. Nothing outlandish. What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?Let's not go there yet, please. It is too painful for me to think.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?I don't know about furniture, but as far as fashion, she seems to like bold prints and colors. She seems to wear purple a lot, both purple solids and purple floral prints. She seems to wear more dresses than suits, either skirt suits or pant suits. You have to wonder if that will influence fashion. The only other Presidential couple that had a real influence on fashion was the Kennedys, Jackie is to this day a fashion icon. And JFK is often said to have caused top hats to go out of style for men, because the President was not seen wearing one at the inauguration, suddenly many men felt that they did not need to wear a top hat. Even though there are a number of pictures at JFK's inauguration with him wearing a top hat.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?She will bring a lot of hate for or disappointment in her own country. What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?I heard she called Hillary and asked for all the stolen silverware to be returned. She told her she could keep the ashtrays.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?Nothing,because she wont be there.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?Hopefully none since I don't think they have a snowball chance in hades of winning.
But if they did;
1. Green and orange paint on the walls.
2. Jacked up cars on the White House lawn.
3. Chicago Bulls jerseys on the servants.
4. Jeremiah Wright statues at the entrance.
5. Kenyan flag replacing the Stars and Strips.
...and tourism down 89% as people ignore Washington for 4 years.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?Michelle will bring hours of entertainment to us all, and countless great skits for SNL and Mad TV.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?Purple shag carpets.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?I don't know if I like her personality (from what I can see). She seems a little superficial to me (and that has nothing to do with race but only the type of woman that she appears to be on TV). But as for decorations...I don't know...mmm, I bet she'll do something stylish that looks good.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?As 20-year members of the Trinity Church, I would expect to see LOTS of African decorations, animal heads, spears, shields, etc....
NO... this is NOT a racist post. PER THE WEBSITE for the Trinity United Church, their congregation is FIRST DEDICATED to Africa and black people.
Don't like it? Elect some one else, but don't %26quot;thumbs down%26quot; this post because you don't like the FACTS.What changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?she will have the pantry fully stocked with bananas at all timesWhat changes will Michelle Obama bring to the White House?She plans to buy the bones of Jackie Kennedy for the living room. I'm also seeing wall-to-wall Ikea furniture with many faux ethnic pieces from TJ Maxx and Pier 1.